-- -- Reader of input vectors for the corrected behavioral model of GL85 -- (Clone of 8085 microprocessor) -- -- Created by: Celine Poloce (08/1994) -- MACAO Team of ERM/PHASE -- Email: yann@erm2.u-strasbg.fr library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity gene_stimuli is port(signal sortie_clk : out std_ulogic; signal sortie_init:out std_logic_vector(1 to 9); signal sortie_action :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end gene_stimuli; library std; use std.textio.all; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture archi of gene_stimuli is signal sortie :bit_vector(1 to 18); begin sortie_clk <= to_stdulogic (sortie(1)); sortie_init(1 to 9) <= to_stdlogicvector (sortie(2 to 10)); sortie_action(7 downto 0) <= to_stdlogicvector (sortie(11 to 18)); process variable ligne_lue: line; variable sortie_vec:bit_vector(1 to 18); variable sortie_bit : bit; variable longueur:integer:=0; file descriptif:text is in "i8085_2.vec"; begin while (not endfile(descriptif)) loop readline(descriptif,ligne_lue); longueur:=0; for i in ligne_lue'range loop if (ligne_lue(i)='0' or ligne_lue(i) ='1') then longueur:=longueur+1; end if; if (ligne_lue(i)='-') then exit; end if; end loop; if longueur/=0 then case longueur is when 1 => read(ligne_lue,sortie_bit); sortie(1) <= transport sortie_bit; when 18 => for i in 1 to longueur loop read(ligne_lue,sortie_vec(i)); end loop; sortie <= transport sortie_vec; when others => null; end case; wait for 250 ns; -- the clock frequency is 1/500ns end if; end loop; wait for 100 ns; end process; end archi;